Pymol movie rotate 360

You may not know that when you click on a protein and rotate it or drag it in pymol youre actually moving the camera, not the protein. In this next example, the protein is rotated through a full 360 sweep about the yaxis. Store another key frame at or near frame 30 by right clicking on the middle of the movie panel, or type. How to rotate the view in a 360 video premiere pro. This function will perform a movie rolla 360 rotation of the camera about the scenefrom the start frame to the end frame specified. Making an animated gif file of a rotating molecule youtube. In this tutorial we will learn how to rotate the view in a 360 video without the viewer tilting their head in premiere pro. Pymol has a powerful and unique molecular moviemaking capability. To make a movie that simply rotates around your scene 360 degrees, in the menu click on. Objects and cameras can be moved around a scene in tandem, or independently of each other, to create a movie while pymol handles the mathematical details in the background. The fifth in a series of videos for beginners of pymol. Assuming you had readied pymol to make your movie to get a camera motion you do the following. Pymol molecular graphics system pymol movie help, rotating. A pymol script to make a movie of a rotating small molecule.